2022 Specialty Rally Trial

Fran Hellman, Rally Co-Chair

June 23, 2022

All AKC-Recognized Breeds

Ulster County Fairgrounds
Libertyville Rd.
New Paltz, NY

On Thursday, June 23, 2022 we held our All-Breed Rally Trial at the Ulster County Fairgrounds in New Paltz, NY. The few rain showers did not put a damper on our trial. We were cool and comfortable inside one of the buildings. Our club provided food and beverages for the judges and workers. Our judge, Karen Wrey did a great job moving the trial along quickly. We had a moderate entry with very pleasant exhibitors and dogs. It was so good to see people I haven’t seen since the pandemic started. Our Rally High in Trial and High Combined awards were won by an exhibitor with a golden retriever. How nice! The trial was lots of fun, and everyone seemed pleased. I couldn’t have chaired this trial without the help of my co-chair Mike Jones. Mike’s experience with running Rally events was a huge help to me. Mike was table steward extraordinaire! He handled the paperwork like a pro. Huge thanks go out to him! I also want to thank Patty McCoy-Coleman for her guidance, and to the two other volunteers who worked as timer and ring steward, (non-members), don’t know their full names. Our club provided a thank you gift to our judge, Mike, me, and the other volunteers, which was very much appreciated by all.